


How increases in CO2 are GREENING the WORLD




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There have to be people out there who never progressed past grade 4 or they have to be told their name every day because they are just brain dead.

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I have been saying that for years now and I will tell you something else for free that the majority of people do not believe, the Rich the Elite those in power pay NO TAXES, none zilch, nada, diddley squat, jack shit. How else do you think they can increase their $Billions every year. Look it up

While you are at it google the tax laws in your country for every tax level then go google the tax laws for those same classes of rich and elite i.e business, corporations, trust funds it goes on and on and on laws made by the rich and elite for the rich and elite.

Here is another good question to ask yourself about that trickle down effect!! unless you are a private jet maker a yacht builder of a huge mansion builder there is no such thing, children in the free world are starving, food banks cant keep up so are any of those billionaires solving those issues or even helping, the answer should be obvious to even the village idiot, no not on your life the majority of them would not give you the snot off their nose, once a dollar hits their wallet it is held a virtual prisoner, they can never get enough filthy lucre.

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