
LEADERLESS OPPOSITION – A Hypothetical Situation


(Just in case you don’t get it yet.)


MAY 2033


1. 66% of all Canadians voted in last FEDERAL Election

2. 66% of all Canadians voted in last LEADERLESS OPPOSITION Election

3. Federal Gov’t passes Bill to force all employees of the Federal Gov’t to accept the 2030.1 VAX.

4. Liberals with 170 seats (28% of the votes) and NDP with 30 seats (20% of the votes) pass the Bill.

4.1. 28% plus 20% = 48%

4.2. 48% of 66% = 31.7 of all eligible voters

5. LEADERLESS OPPOSITION votes 70% against the Bill.

5.1. 70% of 66% = 46.2 of all eligible voters


Support for the Bill by Representatives of the 66% who voted would be 31.7 (of the Federal voters) vs 46.2 (of the Leaderless Opposition voters).


Votes on Bills that include Charter or Constitutional Right issues would be held to a higher standard.


A Minority of all Voters, (in this example 31.7% of eligible voters), would not be able to deprive the Majority of citizens of their Inalienable, God-given Rights. Not even an absolute majority should be able to deprive a minority of Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights.


A Leaderless Opposition organization would compensate for deficiencies in the Canadian Charter, until it can be repaired.




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LEADERLESS OPPOSITION – A Hypothetical Situation


(Just in case you don’t get it yet.)


MAY 2033


1. 66% of all Canadians voted in last FEDERAL Election

2. 66% of all Canadians voted in last LEADERLESS OPPOSITION Election

3. Federal Gov’t passes Bill to force all employees of the Federal Gov’t to accept the 2030.1 VAX.

4. Liberals with 170 seats (28% of the votes) and NDP with 30 seats (20% of the votes) pass the Bill.

4.1. 28% plus 20% = 48%

4.2. 48% of 66% = 31.7 of all eligible voters

5. LEADERLESS OPPOSITION votes 70% against the Bill.

5.1. 70% of 66% = 46.2 of all eligible voters


Support for the Bill by Representatives of the 66% who voted would be 31.7 (of the Federal voters) vs 46.2 (of the Leaderless Opposition voters).


Votes on Bills that include Charter or Constitutional Right issues would be held to a higher standard.


A Minority of all Voters, (in this example 31.7% of eligible voters), would not be able to deprive the Majority of citizens of their Inalienable, God-given Rights. Not even an absolute majority should be able to deprive a minority of Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights.


A Leaderless Opposition organization would compensate for deficiencies in the Charter, until it can be repaired.


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